Monday, January 21, 2013

Twilight January Walk

A new year has begun and I have started to really miss my husband, Jason, who will be working away from home for several months in La Grande, Oregon.  It was a sudden change that neither of us expected, especially being newly-weds with the promise of a new year together as January began, but we packed him up and shipped him out when the opportunity arose.  La Grande is three hours away from our home, and so during the weekdays, until we can have a weekend together, loneliness sometimes trickles its way into my consciousness.

I've found that winter evening walks, even with the cutting air and quick-setting sun, can make any lonely heart feel a little cheerier.  The air is cold and my breath puffs in front of me when I exhale, but it is crisp  and clear.  Perhaps it is the clarity of the air that somehow translates back into my unsettled mind, bringing peace.

Walking around my neighborhood, the city and the twilight elevated my spirits immensely. When I got home, my nose and toes were cold, but I had a smile on my face, and I got to call my husband to tell him I loved him and ask him about his own day's adventures.  Here's to new beginnings!

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